Why Fish Oil Is So Important

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Over the past few years, fish oil has gained a spotlight as a health aid. Found natural is most types of fish and shellfish; the beneficial components of fish oil are omega-3 fatty acids. There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids: Long chain and short chain. The short chain variety is called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and it’s found in plants but it doesn’t have many health benefits. The long chain fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and these are the ones that can improve health.

The main health benefit from fish oil is lower triglyceride levels. Having high triglyceride levels in a leading contributor to developing heart disease and keeping the levels below a certain point helps keep the heart healthy. Fish oil has been shown to lower triglyceride levels by 20 to 50% when taken in moderate amounts. Not only does fish oil aid in preventing heart disease but it can lower the risk of fatal heart complications in people already suffering from heart disease. Those with high blood pressure can also benefit from fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids help expand blood vessels and this lowers blood pressure, which is also very good for the heart.

There are also benefits involving the brain. Fish oil has had some success in helping treat psychosis. Although not a cure on its own, it can assist in preventing the progression of psychotic illness by being taken when first experiencing the mild symptoms during the onset of the disease. Diseases that affect cognitive processes and memory can also be helped with fish oil. A study done by the Rush Institution for Healthy Aging showed that the risk for Alzheimer’s disease can be lowered by a routine intake of fish oil.

When trying to lose weight, fish oil can be a helpful aid. Not only does it improve the ability to shed weight and lower the risk of obesity but it also lowers blood sugar. This can helps the prevention and management of diabetes. By raising the levels of adiponectin in the body, it assists in regulating glucose and battling insulin resistance. The effectiveness of fish oil being used to treat diabetes has been unclear in studies but it has received positives reviews from consumers.

Although still being studied, fish oil is suspected of being able to provide relief for many ailments. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil has the potential to ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and calm the inflammatory process of chronic disorders. It is also thought to help with asthma, ADHD, depression, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular disease. Fish oil has also had some success with fighting dry eyes and glaucoma. 
Omega-3 acids are not naturally occurring in the human body so including fish into a diet is one of the few ways to benefit from their health improving qualities. There are also Omega-3 daily supplements available at many health stores and pharmacies.