
Do you suffer from persistent headaches?


Do you suffer from persistent headaches? There are 3 primary reasons for developing headaches. 1) You're not drinking enough water 2) Your body is toxic with chemicals including medications and over the counter drugs 3) The bones in your neck are misaligned. If you suffer from headaches and live in Austin, Texas - find an [...]

Do you suffer from persistent headaches?2018-02-10T14:18:49-06:00

Dr Dan’s Plan On How To Not Get Ebola


Dr. Dan's Plan On How To Not Get Ebola I’m not worried about some exotic disease striking death in my family. I’m worried about the number 13,144. Sure, Ebola is no joke and it’s obviously a sexy topic to talk about these days with both local and national news striking fear in the heart of [...]

Dr Dan’s Plan On How To Not Get Ebola2017-03-16T21:17:27-05:00

Ready For a Change?


The US ranks 2nd to last when it comes to our health status. We last for infant mortality last for years of potential life lost Diabetes has risen 39% in the last 9 years Few people over 55 are healthy and medication free 1 out of every 2 people you know will get heart disease [...]

Ready For a Change?2018-02-27T14:17:58-06:00

Drugs That Cause Heart Disease


A common diabetes drug, Metformin has been linked to increasing the risk of developing thyroid problems and heart disease. This is not the first diabetic drug to cause problems though. Avandia has been banned in Europe for causing cardiovascular death, but still cleared by the FDA in the US? What! How is it ok for Europeans [...]

Drugs That Cause Heart Disease2017-03-16T21:18:14-05:00

Scoliosis Treatment


Recently an 11 year old female patient began scoliosis treatment in our office. We started seeing her 3 times per week and after 6 visits took an xray to track progress. She started with a moderate curve of the spine of 22.4 degrees and at her sixth visit she improved to a mild curve with only [...]

Scoliosis Treatment2017-03-16T21:18:44-05:00

Spine Arthritis


Your spine is an incredible marvel of engineering, being able to withstand large forces and yet maintaining great flexibility. It is the perfect combination of strength and flexibility that allows human beings to achieve amazing physical feats. The brain and nerves of the body are what control all function. The spine is what protects the [...]

Spine Arthritis2017-03-16T21:18:56-05:00

5 Highly Toxic Fish


We all know that eating fish regularly has amazing health benefits. Fish is an excellent source of high quality protein that also comes packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Fish is nutritionally rich with calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Consuming fish [...]

5 Highly Toxic Fish2017-03-16T21:19:42-05:00

Harvard Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit


Harvard Finds Proof of Meditation [dcwsb inline="true"] We all need help maintaining our personal spiritual practice -- whatever faith you have -- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Atheism - being connected and mindful is a powerful rhythm in the well being of life. Harvard scientists are much closer to proving what yogis have held to be true [...]

Harvard Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit2017-03-16T21:20:26-05:00

Do you sit all day with bad posture at a computer?


[dcwsb inline="true"] Sitting is now considered more dangerous than smoking when it comes to your health. It results in bad posture that eats away at your spine. If you sit all day at a computer, you should seriously consider getting a chiropractor to make sure that your spine is not wearing down faster than it [...]

Do you sit all day with bad posture at a computer?2017-03-16T21:20:33-05:00

Chiropractic Helpful for Hypertension


[dcwsb inline="true"] Chiropractic has been shown to be helpful for hypertension. "This procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination," study leader George Bakris, MD, tells WebMD. "And it seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems," adds Bakris, director of the University of [...]

Chiropractic Helpful for Hypertension2017-03-16T21:20:43-05:00
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