
Shock Wave Therapy: A Non-Invasive Stem Cell Regenerative Technology


For the past 2 years, I've been researching and studying modern applications in regenerative medicine and technology. The idea of stimulating the body's own ability to heal, and regenerate, is fascinating and very much in line with my personal philosophy on health. As a chiropractor, I have strong interest in musculoskeletal [...]

Shock Wave Therapy: A Non-Invasive Stem Cell Regenerative Technology2022-04-24T14:00:42-05:00

Jaw Pain and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders


If you experience continuous and ongoing jaw pain near your ear, your jaw or the muscles on the side of your face, sometimes accompanied by clicking or popping and restricted jaw movement, you could be experiencing TMD or Temporomandibular disorders. Sometimes people incorrectly use the term TMJ to refer to these [...]

Jaw Pain and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders2022-04-18T09:02:42-05:00

What is the Best Sleeping Position for Low Back Pain?


Identifying the best sleeping position is one of the most important factors that can help to improve overall health, wellness and vitality. During sleep, our body works to restore and repair itself. [1] Our sleep position can either help or hinder that process, and your spine, including the spine curvature that [...]

What is the Best Sleeping Position for Low Back Pain?2022-04-11T09:19:40-05:00

Blood, Guts and Hormones


As a Functional Medicine Doctor, I absolutely love nerding out with fellow doctors interested in learning more about functional medicine approaches to various conditions. And one of the most important lessons, whether you’re a patient or a doctor, is that you follow a therapeutic ladder and not get sidetracked with bright, [...]

Blood, Guts and Hormones2022-04-04T08:50:04-05:00

The 2 Most Important Reasons Why We Should Maintain the Health of our Spine


The human spine is one of the most important organs of our body. Without it, we’d be giant meat sacks rolling around the floor. The spine gives our body structural support and integrity. It allows us to move freely to bend and twist and perform many amazing tasks. The spine is [...]

The 2 Most Important Reasons Why We Should Maintain the Health of our Spine2022-03-21T07:55:27-05:00

Digestive Disorders, Brain Inflammation and Chronic Pain


Digestive disorders can cause brain (central nervous system) dysfunction and vice-versa. Most people innately know one of the most important systems in their body is the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). It’s well accepted and understood that the central nervous system controls every major organ, tissue, and cell in [...]

Digestive Disorders, Brain Inflammation and Chronic Pain2022-02-28T08:30:43-06:00

Snap, Crackle, Pop: What cracking your joints means


A big concern that patients share with me is the amount of snapping, cracking and popping their joints make throughout the day. There are many times when a patient will share that they don't want to exercise or perform certain movements such as squatting and lunging or reaching overhead, simply because [...]

Snap, Crackle, Pop: What cracking your joints means2022-02-20T10:28:36-06:00

Stiff Neck (Acute Torticollis) : Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Waking up with a stiff neck or acute torticollis is the worst way to start your day. Torticollis comes from two Latin words: torti (twisted) and collis (neck). Acute torticollis is a condition that we often refer to as "cricked neck" or "wry neck". Almost everyone has experienced a time in [...]

Stiff Neck (Acute Torticollis) : Causes, Symptoms and Treatment2022-01-09T11:59:17-06:00

Understanding The Type of Pain You Have


Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, but it’s also the body’s way of warning you that something isn’t right. Of course, no one is a fan of pain, especially back or neck pain, but we should appreciate the fact that our body has a way of signaling to us [...]

Understanding The Type of Pain You Have2021-11-01T09:39:50-05:00

Can Chiropractic Help with Concussions?


A concussion, also referred to as traumatic brain injury (TBI), is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to either the head or the body that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull ultimately negatively influencing how the brain normally functions. According to the CDC, between 2001 and 2009, [...]

Can Chiropractic Help with Concussions?2021-10-01T15:47:05-05:00
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