Top 5 Healing Foods for Your Gut
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Stomach issues are something that most people will experience at some point in their lifetime. They can be painful, distracting, and an overall nuisance to endure. A quick relief can be a godsend but before running to store in search of over-the-counter medicines, a look into your kitchen may be beneficial. Here are the top foods known to offer relief for some common stomach issues.
Cabbage Juice. It doesn’t sound particularly tasty but it can do wonders for those suffering from stomach ulcers. Cabbage juice helps maintain the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. When certain bacteria, such as H. pylori, becomes too abundant, it can lead to ulcers so keeping the levels of bacteria balanced is key to preventing the issue from occurring in the first place. For those already suffering from ulcers, cabbage juice is still beneficial. It contains a high amount of the amino acid L-glutamine, which promotes the production of mucus to protectively line the stomach and urge healing.
Bananas. This food is also good for healing ulcers, as well as being much tastier. Bananas contain sitoindosides, a type of fatty acid that increases mucus in the digestive tract. This mucus lining protects the tissue in the digestive tract and prevents new ulcers as well as keeping existing ones from getting worse. Bananas also promote cell growth, which can help ulcers heal faster than they would without any treatment.
Garlic. When it comes to balancing bacteria in the stomach, garlic has amazing capabilities. The type of bacteria that causes the most problems is called H. pylori. Having an overgrowth of this bacterium can lead to ulcers and in extreme cases, has been linked to stomach cancer. However, having too little of H. pylori can be problematic as well. Garlic has been shown to limit the amounts of H. pylori without completely eliminating it; creating a good balance that can stop ulcers from forming as well as allowing them to heal.
Yogurt with live cultures. Although yogurt is still being researched, it has shown some promising results. It is known that yogurt is beneficial for other areas of the body but studies have shown that yogurt may also be able to help with a number of digestive issues – H. pylori infection, lactose intolerance, constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disease. Due to the effects yogurt may have on H. pylori, it could be useful at preventing and battling ulcers.
Basil. An herb found in most spice racks can offer relief to those suffering from acid reflux. Working almost like an antacid, basil helps keep stomach contents from leaking back up into the esophagus. It also soothes the irritation and helps heal the sores in the esophagus and stomach caused by acid reflux.