In this life I have met LOVE, HEALTH, PEACE & JOY! I have come to realize that they all need a permanent place to stay. So I am committed with all my being that Family Health Chiropractic is such a place.
This past year was overflowing with answered prayers, fulfilled dreams and breath-taking experiences that only a doctor can experience with their patients. Every night I thank God for being able to witness the magnificence of life- and it's fiercely intelligent ability to heal from within. I am constantly reminded that letting God sort through the details is the answer to all that ails us. My resolution for the New Year is to rid my imagination of all self imposed limitations. Simply put, The power that made my body, is also the same power the heals, improves and protects my body.
Lesson #59 in the Tao Te Ching states “If there is a good sense of Virtue (God), then nothing is impossible. If nothing is impossible, then there are no limits.
This lesson implies that the key to living our best lives is to keep our focus on the possibilities and not the obstacles.
Unfortunately, so many of us do a better job destroying our dreams, weakening our will and sabotaging our success than anyone else. We allow our minds to actively participate in flights of fantasy that include flirtations with illness, failure, unemployment and even death. Because thoughts are creative, we must learn to flex our spiritual muscles; to overcome the self talk sabotage sessions. Make this year, the year you refuse to convince yourself that you cannot be successful. Do not let the reasons crafted in your own mind keep you from meeting your success.
Train your self-talk, your mind, by reminding yourself that with a made up mind, you can accomplish anything. Dreams only show up if they're possible.